Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. I plan to begin withdrawing money from my investment in: *Less than 3 years3-5 years6-10 years11 years or more2. Once I begin withdrawing funds from my investments, I plan to spend all the funds in: *Less than 2 years2-5 years6-10 years11 years or more3. I would describe my knowledge of investment as: *NoneLimitedGoodExtensive4. When I invest my money I am: *Mostly concerned about my investment losing valueEqually concerned about my investment losing or gaining valueMost concerned about my investment gaining value5. Select the investments you currently own: *Fixed Deposits and/ or BondsStocks and or Fixed Deposits/BondsAlternative Investment Funds / International Securities6. Consider this scenario: Imagine that in the past 3 months, overall stock market lost 25% of its value. And individual stock investment you own also lost 25% of its value. What would you do? *Sell all of my sharesSell some of my sharesDo nothingBuy more shares7. Review the chart below. We've outlined the most likely best-case and worst-case annual returns of 5 hypothetical investment plans. Which range of possible outcome is most acceptable to you? *ABCDEEmailSubmit