ViniyogIndia 🚀 Momentum Portfolio invests in a basket of strongly trending Stocks & ETFs. This portfolio is suitable for Aggressive investors.
The basic idea of momentum investing is intuitive. A stock or any other asset, that has been trending strongly for a while is likely to continue doing so a little while longer. That is the core concept, rest are details.
Nobel Laurette economist Eugene Fama, who propounded the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), described momentum as a “premier anomaly” and termed it a “pervasive” phenomenon. EMH states that as markets are efficient, therefore, past prices cannot predict future returns. Momentum strategies do exactly that, and has been doing so for more than 100 years.
There is no universal explanation as to why price momentum works. Potential explanations include investors tendency to initially under-react, and then over-react to news affecting stock prices – a behavioral bias often described as initial under-reaction and delayed over-reaction.
Momentum remains an extensively researched subject in finance which papers documenting evidence of momentum in stock prices dating almost a century back.
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Narshiman Jegadeesh was an IIT/IIM graduate who earned his PhD at Columbia University.
In 1993, Jegadeesh, along with Sheridan Titman (UCLA) published a study showing that intermediate term momentum can be used to generate excess portfolio returns. This paper was described as a “bombshell” against those who glorified the Efficient Market theory.
(Narshimhan Jegadeesh, left, with Sheridan Titman)
The premier market anomaly is momentum… It has been the biggest embarrassment to the Efficient Market theory and I hope it goes away! 🙂
Eugene Fama
Nobel Laurette Economist for Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)
Live returns: It depicts the actual and verifiable returns generated by the portfolios. Live performance does not include any back-tested data or claim and does not guarantee future returns
Back-tested returns: Back-testing allows a trader to simulate a trading strategy using historical data to generate results and analyze risk and profitability before risking any actual capital. This usually requires expertise of a qualified programmer to develop the idea into a testable form. Back-tested returns does not guarantee future returns
Disclosure: By proceeding, you understand that investments are subjected to market risks and agree that returns shown on the platform were not used as an advertisement or promotion to influence your investment decisions
Back-tested Returns
Year | Nifty200 | Nifty200 Mo30 | ViniyogIndia Mo |
FY21 | 82.10% | 67.28% | 155.50% |
FY20 | -27.88% | -17.59% | -13.65% |
FY19 | 7.09% | 8.30% | -14.10% |
FY18 | 10.67% | 20.24% | 55.96% |
FY17 | 23.76% | 37.37% | 36.11% |
FY16 | -8.83% | -7.80% | -12.26% |
FY15 | 33.35% | 57.54% | 94.45% |
FY14 | 17.00% | 19.32% | 7.74% |
FY13 | 4.51% | 14.17% | 11.61% |
FY12 | -9.01% | -1.42% | 11.06% |
FY11 | 5.83% | 11.10% | 27.94% |
FY10 | 85.54% | 62.02% | 68.85% |
FY09 | -40.17% | -34.45% | -1.84% |
FY08 | 25.58% | 45.25% | 56.29% |
FY07 | 5.76% | 0.54% | -2.63% |
FY06 | 61.21% | 76.57% | 72.90% |
CAGR | 12.75% | 18.41% | 28.56% |
Nifty200 | Nifty200 MO30 | ViniyogIndia MO |
-40.17% | -34.45% | -14.10% |
For Live Returns since inception, click on ‘See Performance’ button below.
Alpha | MKT | SMB | HML | WML | |
Factor exposure | 0.856 | 0.656 | 0.107 | 0.145 | 0.394 |
p-value | 0.003 | ~0.0 | 0.11 | 0.018 | ~0.0 |
Fixed Fee:
Rs. 5499 3999/ 6 months.
Asset Based:
1.8% yearly. Offered as smallcase
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