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Suitable for Aggressive Investors.
Suitable for Moderate Investors.
Suitable for Conservative Investors.
Provided historical and past stock reports are good in content quality…
– Narendar Sharma, Delhi
Quality of stock reports is good, however, please make the website (Premium section) more accessible…
– Bala Ganeshan, Chennai
Very insightful information indeed. Really glad for keeping the service charges bare minimum…
– ArthikDisha.com
Good research analysis. Keep it up!
– Narayan Chandrani
Very happy with smallcase returns
– PS Pal, Kolkata
At the beginning of the month | Received during the month | Resolved during the month | Pending at the end of the month | Reasons for pendency |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | – |
Advisor | Pricing |
Stockaxis.com | 25,000 |
Prudentequity.com | 21,500 |
Researchranking.com | 20,000 |
Stalwartvalue.com | 20,000 |
Stallionasset.com | 14,999 |
Valueresearch.com | 9,950 (5950) |
Multibaggershares.com | 2.5L for 3 years |
Purnartha.com | 0.6% + 20% profits |
Ri = Rf +βi(Rm – Rf)
Ri – Rf =αi +βi,m(Rm – Rf) + βi,SMB(SMB) + βi,HML(HML) + βi,WML(WML) + εi
α is the intercept of the regression line; (SMB) is the return of the size factor, Small Minus Big; (HML) is the return of the value factor, High Minus Low, (WML) is the return of the momentum factor, Winner Minus Looser; ε is the residual of the regression model